Monday, March 23, 2009

Safe biking?

Contrail - Biking Community Tool

Contrail Biking Community Tool

Contrail Biking Community Tool
Gear | Bike
"Contrail is a tool for developing bicycle communities".
It attaches on the wheels
of a bike that applies a
thin layer of colored chalk
to a bike's tire. As you ride, contrail leaves a faint chalk
line behind your bike.
This concept created by Studio Gelardi.
"The goal is to encourage
a new cycle of biking participatio
n by allowing the biking community to leave a unique mark on the road and
to reclaim this crucial
shared space." It lets
drivers take same route,
and aslo remind bikers
where it's safe to ride if
 bicyclists using the
Contrail. Or you just
want to draw your bike
route, let you know how
to come back home.

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