Monday, April 13, 2009

Goodness from Shanghai

I went to this place last night and it was AWESOME!  Basically a guy that owns his own ad agency got frustrated because he knew there was amazing creative talent and creativity in the world, but he didn’t know how to access it.  So he opened this place, which is a bar, restaurant, recording studio, art studio/exhibition center, and digital creation studio etc.  The idea is that you can go there and “create” or “play”.  Its also very upscale so big wig agency people will be attracted to come, drink and check out the talent and work that is being created.  
They also project what people are working on in the digital studio onto screens in the lounge area.  The idea behind that is that clients will actually see how much work goes into creating a website or editing a short film or whatever.  The whole thing is free as well, so any one can go to this place and use any of the equipment they want, which by the way is state of the art.  So as an example, someone could go record a song they’ve been working on and then play the track they just laid for everyone at the bar. The space and concept is very unique.  It is meant to inspire creativity, and I think it will certainly do that.  

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